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A philosophy for children is something that needs to be discussed early on so that parents are better equipped to make decisions. Some children grow up and take their reasons for being who they are to be questioned. The basis of any philosophy for children should be informed by age appropriate goals that are meaningful to the child's personality and character. Most children, however, will not take their motives to be seriously if they are influenced by their parents or other adults. To deal with such issues, parents can discuss them with the child and encourage him to do his own thinking. They should also encourage the child to express his opinion. This will help to avoid confusion about whether one's philosophy for children is sincere or not.
Philosophy for children can be applied in many areas. Some children are stimulated by their surroundings, so they would naturally like to have a philosophy for children that matches the area where they live. For example, if the child grew up in a neighborhood where there was a lot of work involved with construction, he might come up with a philosophy for children that involves the business aspect of his job. A philosophy for children could also be applied when the child is surrounded by a large variety of objects and elements that are related to the theme of the child's life. This could be a hobby, a favorite musical instrument, or a love of circus act or performing arts.
Philosophy for children should also be a life long learning experience. Parents should ask the child about his life experiences, interests, and dreams. These will help them identify philosophical topics that will help them grow and expand their philosophical understanding. There are many learning activities and philosophies available to children. Depending on what areas of their lives they want to study, they can be guided into that subject by their parents. This will help to keep the child interested in the subject for years to come.
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